

Contemporary Circular Vectors

This work was supported by the Arts ​and Humanities Council ​[AH/T01184X/1] and:

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This website ​provides a ​platform.​..

to showcase the research and expertise of UK ​academics whose research focusses on the Pacific ​region, either thematically or geographically, and ​whether generally or with specific reference to ​particular Pacific Island Countries. The aim is to ​facilitate connectivity between those searching for ​expertise and those able to provide it, thereby ​encouraging knowledge transfer relevant to policy, ​practical and innovative interventions and broader ​dissemination.

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We have

A dedicated private ​network for those ​looking​ to connect

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What's in store for you

Me​mber profiles

Search for fellow academics via their re​search focus​, region or expertise.

Networking Groups

Meet fellow academics, share best practices, and find opportunities to collaborate and create together.

Cu​rrent affairs

Check in regularly to see relevant news, ​publ​ications and events of interest.

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Contemporary Circular Vectors
